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What is Files in Re-flow?


Files, within Re-flow, is the cloud storage space (similar to Dropbox or Sharepoint) for your Re-flow Documents (PDFs) and Images (PNGs & JPEGs). When creating a Job Pack, you can attach a PDF or Image for App Users to view/read, by dragging the file into Work Documents or General documents on to the Dashboard Information tab.





Work Files/Documents:

These are files that are added directly to the job via the information tab only, and are not generic in any way. These could be unique plans or drawings that will only ever be relevant to that one job. Within the left-hand menu > Files > Job Files - you cannot add any PDFs or Images here, as the file-path is auto-created when they are added to the specific job, via the information tab > Work Documents. We recommend dragging and dropping them directly onto the Dashboard.


General Files/documents: 

These are Files that can reside outside of a job or that are not unique or specific to any job. This could be a RAMs, Method Statement or Risk Assessment PDF. These documents can be dragged into the information tab, or added to Files > General Files in a created pathway within Re-flow. Files are protected from accidental deletion from the dashboard, when any active images or PDFs are being used in the within a Job or Record. We recommend using the pop-modal and adding them this way.


Files will enable users to:

  • Create folders and sub-folders

  • Drag-and-drop to quickly organise content

  • Assign grouped content to a jobs

  • Organise documents into named folders

  • Organise images into named folder

Organising your folders in Files and adding a subfolder


Left-click and hold, to drag any folders within other folders, to create a subfolder. Right click on the root folder General Documents, and select ‘New Subfolder’.

You can create a folder structure for non-job specific items in General Files, such as photos of your vehicles, plant and equipment. You could also create a Vehicle document section to import your Vehicle PDFs - which could then be attached to the Record if required.

Instructions adding a subfolder


Step-by-step guide adding a subfolder:

  1. Via the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click:Files>Images

  2. Right-click'Images' and select 'New subfolder' OR '+ Add Folder' button (top-right).

  3. Complete 'Enter the name of the folder' field to name your subfolder.

How do I add and upload images to files?


You can upload non-job specific information directly within files (images/documents for vehicles/plant/equipment etc).



Step-by-step guide:

  1. Via the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Files > Images and select your subfolder.

  2. Click the red button ‘Upload files’ (top-right).

  3. Locate and select your files.


Editing file information


Edit, replace, download or delete an image by selecting one image via its 'tick box' and clicking the 'cog icon' to reveal a selection of options.


View asset = View the PDF or Image.

Download file = Download the PDF or Image to your computer.

Edit file = Enables you to edit the filename or the file title.

Rename file = Edit the filename.

Replace file = Replace the file with another PDF or Image, but keep the filename. This will update all existing records and jobs with the new PDF or image.

Copy reference tag = Pasting this acts as a shortened link within Knowledge Base. This is not recommended or needed and has become obsolete.

View app references = Highlight which jobs or assets the file is linked too. This is in case you need to remove a file from a job, to delete the file.


How do I search for images or documents?


When you access Re-flow's Files section you can use the search bar toward the top of the page to find documents or images. A search will be performed only on the folder you highlight. You can also search any subfolders contained within by selecting the 'tick box' next to 'Search in subfolders'.


How do I delete an image or document from files?


Re-flow protects files currently in use with Jobs. If a Dashboard User tries to delete an image or document from Files, Re-flow won't delete it and it'll still be in use on the job and by App users in the field. To delete files they must first be removed and unassigned from jobs, before thy can be deleted.

  • See how the file below can't be deleted because it's in use. Even after a Dashboard user tries to delete the file in use by the app, it remains within Files.


Instructions: deleting an image from files


Step-by-step deleting a PDF. 

  1. Enter the Dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Jobs

  2. Enter the job the documents are associated with.

  3. Click tab relevant to stored documents.

  4. Click 'x' removal icon. 

  5. Click red 'Save' button (top-right).

Once you have removed the document from the job you can delete the files by:

  1. Enter the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Files

  2. Click Documents/Images relevant to location and select by using the 'tick box'.

  3. Click 'cog icon' and select 'Delete' to remove relevant to stored documents/images.


Where is the PDF or image being used?

If you're trying to delete a file, but don't know where the file is assigned, you can locate its use by:


  • Ticking the document or image

  • Enter the settings cog

  • Select 'View app references'

Storing PDFs online and to the user device


Select the way in which field users receive their images and documents by:

a) Storing files to the device via sync
b) Accessing files stored in the Re-flow cloud (online only)

Storing a large number of files can be time consuming as they need to be downloaded and saved locally during syncing. Dashboard users can opt to have their PDFs and images pushed through an internet connection instead, which can be a proficient way of delivering data when needed in the field. This will require a connection to view any documents, that would usually be stored to the device on sync.


Instructions - Online access only


Storing Files online only will force the App to open the file through the browser app on the device.


  1. Via the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Files

  2. Right-click on relevant folder/subfolder and select 'Remove from device (online only)'

Instructions - Store on device



  1. Via the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Files

  2. Right-click on relevant folder/subfolder and select 'Store on device'