Tasks and Task Presets

This page has 2 Videos and 5 notes For Your Information on Tasks and Task Presets

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Video 1: Understanding Tasks

Task and Task Presets are an optional series of tasks or actions (a to-do list), that is assigned to an Event (visit against a Job). It provides a to-do list, that when done, signifies the day's work is complete. 1 Event per day, over 5 days (a working week),  will give Dashboard Users visibility on a job's progress on a per day basis and how far along it is.


A single day's Tasks could look like:

These Tasks could be on every Event, day-to-day, until the Job is complete. 


Re-flow Dashboard Users have the ability to enable Tasks to auto-populate from a preset on every new event or just create presets that can be added from a list when creating an event. Dashboard users are able to view task progression (represented by a coloured bar) and see which tasks on the list have been completed, when they were completed and by whom.


If Scheduled Events have Tasks included - Dashboard Users will be able to track the Task Progress as it happens. In the Schedule List View Dashboard Users can filter the job/project/site/contract and see all the Events scheduled against it. Tasks enable App Users to write comments or mark a task as incomplete. 


For Your Information 1: Tasks changing the progress


Colours represent the Event (visit) status, and will be consistent throughout the system (List view and Calendar view). If Tasks are not used, the event is controlled manually by a Dashboard User from the details tab. If Tasks are used, the system will automate the progress of an Event (visit), but the Task being completed.


Pending = The task has not been started

In Progress = The task has been started and more tasks are to be complete

Complete = All tasks added to the Event are complete

On Hold = The Job/Project/Site/Contract is on hold


For Your Information 2: Linking Tasks to URLs, PDFs, Images or Forms 

Tasks can contain instructional information, which can be formatted within the Notes section of your Task by using the bold or italicise icons . You can also link Tasks to App Forms, PDF's and Images by using the  icon. This will enable you to link to an Entry, Asset or URL.

 This option enables you to link an App Form, Job, Event or page from your Knowledge Base.

 This option enables you to link to PDF's, PNG's or JPEG's from the Files section in the left-hand menu.

 This option enables you to link the Task to a website page.




Video 2: Creating a Task Preset


Step-by-step guide:

  1. Via the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Settings > Task Presets

  2. Click the ‘+ New preset’ button. Create a title that relates to your series of tasks. Click '+ Add Tasks' button and select 'Add New Task'. 

  3. Add a relevant title, and any notes relating to the task. Within the notes field dashboard users have the option of adding any links to websites, or internal entries such as: forms, jobs or pages. In this example we will link to a form: Do not link to forms mid-way through a paragraph, but as demonstrated below

  4. Repeat the process until the list of created tasks is complete and click the red 'Save’ button (top-right).

  5. Your task preset will now appear during the scheduling process when you click ‘+ Add Tasks’ button. The drop down menu will display your saved preset list under the 'Presets'.

Linked forms within a task will be viewable from the assigned App user, and via their task list assigned to the project/contract/site/job.


Video 3: Task Options



Restricting Tasks

By default Tasks are set to be shared between App Users. This means if you assign 3 App Users to one Event, with multiple Tasks, those Tasks will be shared. If one is complete - it will be completed for all App Users on the same Event.

Restricting Tasks:

This enables you to restrict tasks from the list of assigned users, if required. This means you can now have tasks that a lead operative, or supervisor, can review independently of other users, even though they are assigned to the same event. You can also duplicate the task - if it is to be completed independently by all Users.

Repeat Events with restricted Tasks:

Events can be repeated by day, week, month or year. Repeat events are uniquely identified on the calendar by a stripe. Repeat events cannot be moved. They can be unlinked, for rescheduling, or deleted. Restricted Tasks that are repeated, will keep the restricted users. If you copy the Event using, right-click, left-click - it will remove the user restricted off the Task. Repeat Events are recommend for works that take place every day over the course of a week/month.


Creating one event for individual Users.

Create Duplicate Event for Each User’ or ‘Create Duplicate Event for Each Group Member’ in the footer of the Event window. This will place a user on their own, with their own event. This can only be done on creation, and once saved, you will not have access to these options.

Important: This will not display other App Users against the same job on the Job Pack. To enable user visibility 'Restrict Tasks' must be used.


Complete Tasks in Order


When creating a Scheduled Event, Dashboard Users can set task completion sequentially by clicking the ‘Complete tasks in order’ button to green. By clicking the button off, App Users are able to complete Tasks in any order.

Incomplete Tasks


To enable Tasks to be skipped, or marked as incomplete you must set ‘Complete tasks in order’ to off. From settings > App Settings, enable ‘Comment in incomplete tasks' on. Tasks commented on, without the ‘Done’ checkbox, will change the task colour to red, to highlight it is incomplete. Note: The progress status of the day’s event will be marked as complete.



Editing a Task or Task Preset


Editing, deleting and rearranging tasks is possible during Event Scheduling, as well as from the Task Preset menu. In the Task Preset section you will see the order of your tasks as named turquoise bars. Along these bars is a series of shadowed icons which include: a right facing arrow, cog and a directional arrow set.



  • The right facing arrow enables users to edit the title and notes related to the task.

  • The cog enables you to ‘add an action above’ (a new task) OR delete the task.

  • The directional arrows enable you to change the task order by holding down the left mouse button and dragging above or below other tasks.

Task Options Actions Cog


(these are covered in the video).

+ Add Task Above: Create a task above current task with no data.

Duplicate: Duplicate current task with data. This does not retain restricted user data.

Duplicate for all users: Duplicate current task with all data, and restrict to all assigned users.

Duplicate to multiple tasks: Duplicate task to a series, with defined titles.

Mark as complete: Complete task.

Delete: Delete task from list.