Latest Dashboard Update 1.5.27

Re-Flow is getting some hot new features and enhancements this summer!

These are a few of the main changes coming to your Re-Flow dashboard. We have designed these to enhance the way you interact with and view Re-Flow and allow new possibilities and functionality.

These changes will happen automatically within the coming weeks, you do not need to opt in or enable anything to receive these.


Our form builder has proven to be a very popular feature in our system, and we have continually made improvements to the experience of using this to streamline your process, with this update containing the biggest improvements yet!

The first thing you will notice is that the various sections of a form have all now been moved onto the same page, meaning you no longer need to go to different pages or sections to set permissions on a form, build the PDF or set up automations such as email notifications. These are all now tabs on one page when building your form, making it much easier to instantly see everything that your form can do.              

Settings Tab:

This page still allows naming of the form, adjusting who can see the form and controlling what type of form this is (Work/Task/Other) and what Statuses the form can be in. We have placed all of these in a new easy to read layout to help improve your control over the form.

By popular request you are now able to control who can see the submitted forms, allowing you to have forms such as HR reviews and where the person submitting the form can only see their data, and only a manager user group can see all the data.

Fields Tab:

This is the original form builder page with some minor tweaks and is likely to feel very familiar if you have used our form builder before.

PDF Layout Tab:

When creating a new form our system will now generate an automatic PDF for you which updates itself with any changes you may make over time, which is a great new way of getting new forms out quickly and easily. Please note that if you make any customisation changes to the PDF it can no longer update automatically, but can be reset back to default at any time if required.

We also have given the PDF editor a complete overhaul, making it more powerful and customisable than ever, whilst also making it feel more streamlined and accessible at the same time – we will be releasing a full guide to the new features very shortly, so keep an eye out for this coming soon!

Automation Tab:

Instead of having to go through settings to set up form automations, you can now do this on the same page while creating/ editing your forms. Automatic processes such as notifications, form status and data creation/edits are all now managed from directly within the form, making it clearer than ever to know what happens when your forms are submitted.

In case you need an overview of all form actions you can still go through the original process of going to “Settings” then “Form Automations” (originally called From Actions) for an overview of all forms too.

Our form automation has also undergone a process of streamlining, making it simpler than ever to create powerful actions from your form submissions, e.g. (see image below)


Scheduled/ Unscheduled Jobs:

Instead of having to look at either a scheduled or unscheduled job limiting your overview, you can now see both at the same time!

In the Schedule calendar view click to view “Jobs” then pop into the “Filter” option and select what type, or all jobs to view.

Before the update:

After the update:

Using Filters to refine your view


 Updated date options:

We have replaced the zoom buttons with being able to select your desired date range instead giving you more precise control over what you need to view, whether that is a day overview or 3 weeks.

Note: The maximum view is 1 month.

Before the update:


After the update: 

Map View Toggleable:

We have now added the map view toggleable option to all the calendar views and is accessible via the top bar allowing quick access if needed. Before it was located within the view options area and only applicable to Users.

If you have enabled user tracking under Settings -> App Settings then the last known location of your users will also be shown alongside the main map information for the section you have selected – for example, this could show you the map location of all of your Jobs, plus the last known location of your users to help you identify who is within a good range of a job.

Before Update:


After Update:

Automatic User Assignment

It is now possible to automatically assign users to your events based on when they are:

·         The Job’s Manager

·         The Allocated owner of a Vehicle / Plant / Equipment

This ensures that the right people can access the jobs they need without the additional admin work of adding them each time.

This functionality can be enabled within Settings -> Schedule Settings

Work Type Requirements

To ensure the right people are assigned to work when they are needed you can now specify what Qualifications and Positions are needed to carry out the work, and the system can warn about this when creating the job.

Your users can also now have multiple Positions allocated to them to cater to those who can carry out multiple duties depending on the need.

You can set the requirements for your work types within Records -> Work -> Work Types and decide what should happen if the requirements aren’t met at Settings -> Schedule Settings -> Event Conflict Settings


Scheduling Conflict Upgrades

When assigning users to your scheduled jobs you are now able to filter the list to only show you the available operatives, which will remove those who are already booked elsewhere and help you avoid booking conflicts. When combined with filtering by Positions and Qualifications, this can be a powerful way to narrow down your choices for scheduling and streamline your process!

On several sections of Re-Flow, such as the jobs or forms pages, you are able to filter your data based on the contents of certain columns. This new update makes this functionality easier to use than ever with a much clearer pop-up window and the option to clear your filters in one click.