
This page has 2 Videos and 6 notes For Your Information and 5 Downloadable Import Template on Records

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Important: Re-flow only accepts an Import of a CSV file from your spreadsheet software.




Download Client/Companies/Suppliers CSV  (Right-click and Save As)

Records must exist if adding Type to Client, and be identically spelt in the Import Client/Companies/Suppliers CSV template. You can set to create these Records on import if they do not exist. Company/Client is the building/invoice address.

 Download Contacts CSV (Right-click and Save As)

Contacts are associated with a Client/Company. These include supervisors, operatives, accounts staff, directors - all the people working at the company.

Download Items CSV (Right-click and Save As)

Unit & Groups (in: Records > Products/Services) can be set to create on import if they do not exist. If they exist ensure they are identically spelt in the CSV template, to prevent duplication.

Download Plant/Equipment CSV  (Right-click and Save As)

Asset Types (in: Records > Assets) must exist if adding Types to Plant/Equipment CSV, and be identically spelt in the Import. You can set to create these Records on import if they do not exist.

Download Vehicles CSV (Right-click and Save As)

Asset Types (in: Records > Assets) must exist if adding Types to Vehicles, and be identically spelt in the Import. You can set to create these Records on import if they do not exist.


Video 1: Records Overview


Records are databases of information grouped together under one category. Re-flow dashboard users are able to add single, or, import multiple entires under each Record heading, which may include:

  • Employee Positions & Qualifications

  • Clients (Companies)

  • Contacts (Link to 'Companies' record)

  • Vehicles

  • Plant/Equipment

  • Materials/Products

  • Work Priorities (this is no longer a record set and is now apart of Statuses).

  • Work Types



For Your Information 1: Adding a Record Manually


Step-by-step guide to adding a record:

  1. Enter the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Records

  2. Click desired record group. Example: Vehicles.

  3. To add a record click ‘+ New Record’ icon, top-right.

  4. Complete required fields.

  5. Click the red 'Save' button, top-right. 



Video 2: Importing Records


For Your Information 2: Instructions on importing

Step-by-step guide to importing:

  1. Enter the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Records

  2. Click desired group. Example:  Vehicles.

  3. Click 'Import' button (top-right).

  4. Click pop-up panel 'Select a CSV file to import' and select CSV file.

  5. Confirm fields are matching correctly, import type is set to 'Create' and click 'Import' button.

For Your Information 3: Matching column titles with Field Mapping on Import


Sometimes you might be using an older document with different column titles. You can point the CSV document column title to the relevant field titles in Re-flow, if it does not match.

Column = Your CSV/Spreadsheet column titles

Field = Re-flow fields 

The fixed fields in the mapping are your CSV fields. The dropdown options in the mapping are the Re-flow fields in the Record. On import you will need to point the 'Column' titles to the 'Field' titles in Re-flow.


  • (The Record Title) always points to '*Title' in the field mapping.

  • Marking a field '- - -' will skip the field in the spreadsheet and will not import it to Re-flow.


For Your Information 4: Setting Safety Checks for Vehicle/Plant/Equipment


Safety Checks are added to Records > HSE > Safety Checks. You can then add these checks to any plant/equipment/vehicles. You can also bulk edit plant/equipment/vehicles from the list view by ticking, selecting the actions icon, and adding the checks. This will apply the same checks across multiple entires. 

If you're importing a CSV, please use the pipe | to split the checks on import. A full walkthrough with a video can be found here:




For Your Information 5: Disabling Records


Dashboard Users can Disable a Record in the List View by selecting the row Tick Box and then select the 'Actions' icon:
You will then be presented with 2 options:




This allows you to Disable any Record information going to the App or being used within the system. This action is consistent with Job, Events (visits) and anywhere else the eye icons appear.  Using the Disable action with the Filter icon will enable you to archive information which is not visible in the views, until you require to access it at a later date.

Filter icon:

Filter and Enable Action


For Your Information 6: Controlling Stock


Your stock quantity resides in Records. You can view how much of each item is in the Depot or Vehicle, by viewing the Item Record and selecting the 'Vehicle Stock' tab or 'Depot Stock' tab. These tabs will indicate how much of the itemised stock is allocated to the Depot or Vehicle. Each Record generates a unique QR code. You can print this code off and use it for your stock items.

Important Note: Only the ‘Items’ Record set can be used in relation to controlling quantities. This is not for Plant or equipment as they must have a unique asset code, and each entry is unique. An online connection must be active to update the Record quantity, if the device is offline, the app form will move to pending until an online connection is established.

  1. Create your Depots/Sites (example: Stock Warehouse) in Records > Assets > Depot.  

  2. Creating Stock Levels: You can initially set the stock levels in the Depot & Vehicles directly, for each Item, in the Dashboard. Select Records > Materials/Products > Items and set the quantities in the 'Vehicle Stock' tab or 'Depot Stock' tab. You can also set your quantities with the Stock Take Form (Depot or Vehicle), on the App and the values will be applied to the Record when the form is submitted.

Depot Stock Sheet: This Form is used by App Users to take items in or out of stock.

Depot Stock Take: This form is used to set the quantities (add or remove) of stock for your Depots. Resets the levels in the Dashboard. (it is recommended this form is restricted to authorised Users)

Vehicle Stock Sheet: This Form is used by App Users to take items in or out of stock.

Vehicle Stock Take: This' form is used to set the quantities (add or remove) of stock for your Vehicles. Resets the levels in the Dashboard. (it is recommended this form is restricted to authorised Users)