
This page has 6 Videos and 11 notes For Your Information and 1 Downloadable Import Template on Users

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Important: Re-flow only accepts an Import of a CSV file from your spreadsheet software.




Download CSV (Right-click and Save As) To import into Users from the Left-hand menu, please select the following from the sub-menu: App Users/Dashboard Users.


Video 1: Understanding the User Interface





Video 2: Adding a New Licensed User (App User or Dashboard User)

Activating a new user requires an email address, this will send an email verification link to the email to enable the new user to set their password. This link is valid for 48 hours. Sometimes, when an authentic email address isn't available, a faux email address can be added. Manual activation will be required for a faux email address.



For Your Information 1: + New User in 5 Steps:

  1. Via the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Users

  2. Top-right by  click  + New User.

  3. Add information, use an authentic email where possible, a faux email can be used, but this will require a manual password to be set.

  4. Set Permissions from Permissions (App User, Dashboard User, Show in App/Schedule) tab.

  5. Save

For Your Information 2: Manual Password Activation in 5 Steps:

  1. Via the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Users

  2. Select unactivated user by their tick box in the list view.

  3. Click the Actions icon (pencil in square box) at the top of the dashboard.

  4. Select ‘Change Password’.

  5. Create a password for the user and select ‘Save.

For Your Information 3: Resend a password reset Email in 4 Steps:

  1. Via the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Users

  2. Select user and enter their profile by clicking on the entry row.

  3. On the top right-hand side of the dashboard Account status click on the cog. This may be at the toward the footer of the page if you are using a small screen.

  4. Select ‘Send Password Reset Email’.


For Your Information 4: Dashboard User & App Users (Licensed Users)Understanding User Permissions

Unactivated accounts will appear with an orange 'Awaiting User Activation' icon, upon activation these will turn to a green (enabled) eye icon.

IMPORTANT: Users will not access Re-flow unless permissions are set. Always set permissions.

  1. App User = Enable User to log into App with Email and Password.

  2. Basic User = Enable User to show up in forms and on schedule. (this user has no access to Re-flow and is a place holder only).

  3. Dashboard User = Enable User to access the Dashboard with an Email and Password.

  4. Client Portal User = Enable a Client to access the Client Dashboard only view, with an Email and Password. (User will see only see information customised by Dashboard user) *Do not tick unless user is client*

  5. Show in App/Schedule = Enable the User to show in App forms and in the Schedule Calendar. (this should be enabled for all App Users)


Video 3: Adding a New Non-Licensed User (Basic User)

Basic Users do not have any access to the Re-flow App, or the Dashboard. They are used as placeholders only, and will be visible in the Calendar, App job information and App Forms. The applied email is a faux email that cannot be used. Basic Users can be upgraded to licensed users at a later date.


For Your Information 5: + New Basic User in 5 Steps:

  1. Via the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Users

  2. Top-right by  click  + New Basic User.

  3. Add First Name and Last Name. You do need to add an Email.

  4. Set Permissions from Permissions (Basic User, Show in App/Schedule) tab.

  5. Save

Video 4: Adding a New Client Portal User

Activating a new Client Portal user requires you to create them a username (email address) and password, these will need to be communicated/sent to the user. They can then log in to their client area via your re-flow url, ending in client. Example:

Important: when editing the List View for Schedule > List View - ensure you have the sub menu set to All Events.




Restricting Form view to a Client Portal User


You can restrict which forms are visible to your clients in their view, to do this, you will need to apply a form restriction to each form that becomes available to view by the client in their portal.


  1. Forms > Form Edit (hover over form name and click the pencil edit icon).

  2. Restrict form to all app users who should have access. If all app users, use the group 'App User' restriction. If the Client Portal User does not need access to view this, no more action is needed.

  3. Restrict form to all client portal users who should have access. Use the group 'Client Portal User' restriction.


Example of form restriction where a client portal user can view the form.

Example of form restriction where a client portal user can not view the form.


For Your Information 6: + New Client Portal User in 5 Steps:

  1. Via the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Users

  2. Top-right by  click  + New Client Portal User.

  3. Add required information, and assign user to a Client Group.

  4. Save

  5. Send URL (ending in /client), Email and Password to Client.


Video 5: Creating a New User Group and Assigning Users




For Your Information 7: Deleting a User Group

You can delete User Groups from the settings cog, under the sub menu. The created Usergroups will have a delete icon, which can be clicked, removing the group.


Video 6: Setting Group Permissions



Restrict dashboard access on any User Groups from Users. You can hover over the user group in the sub-menu and click the edit icon. Then the permissions tab.

  1. Click Users from the left-hand menu

  2. Hover over the created group and select the Edit icon

  3. Click the Permissions tab and set access


For Your Information 8: Dashboard User & App Users (Licensed Users)Editing an existing User Group

In your sub menu, you can hover over the name and click the pencil icon, this will enable you to edit the User Group name, colour and permissions for an existing User Group.



For Your Information 9: Dashboard User & App Users (Licensed Users)Actions Menu

  1. Enable = Enable User to be Active

  2. Disable = Disable User from Re-flow. (removes license)

  3. Change Password = Manually set password for this user. (You will need to communicate their password verbally)

  4. Change Username = Manually set a new Username for User

  5. Assign Usergroup = Set User to another permission/group. Example: Assign 'User A' to group: App User, and now, Dashboard User - Show in App/Schedule. User is now applied to all 3 groups/permissions.


For Your Information 10: Dashboard User & App Users (Licensed Users)Importing Users

Import Users Template

Download CSV Template. To import please select the sub-menu Type, App Users/Dashboard Users. Important: to add User Position, your Position Record must exist, and be identically spelt in the Import User CSV

To ensure you import the data correctly, ensure your CSV file has the minimum following column titles:

  1. Username (Title)

  2. First Name

  3. Last Name

  4. Email

  5. Password

List names, emails and passwords accordingly under each column title to generate a list of users. 


Step-by-step guide to importing:

  1. Enter the dashboard’s left-hand menu, click: Users

  2. Click desired group. Example: App Users.

  3. Click 'Import' button (top-right).

  4. Click pop-up panel 'Select a CSV file to import' and select CSV file.

  5. Confirm fields are matching correctly, import type is set to 'Create' and click 'Import' button.


For Your Information 11: Matching column titles with Field Mapping on Import

Sometimes you might be using an older document with different column titles. You can point the CSV document column title to the relevant field titles in Re-flow, if it does not match.


Column = Your CSV/Spreadsheet column titles

Field = Re-flow fields 

On import you will need to point the 'Column' titles to the 'Field' titles in Re-flow.


  • The Username(The Record Title) always points to '*Title' in the field mapping.

  • Marking a field '- - -' will skip the field in the spreadsheet and will not import it to Re-flow.