Form Builder

Re-flow’s new Form Builder is now available to use!


A step-by-step guide can be found below, or alternatively, watch the full video walkthrough.



To access your Form Builder

Click Forms > Manage Forms

The Form Management page lists all of Re-flow’s forms which are available within your site. By default you will not have the permission to Edit the existing forms. Re-flow Support can grant you access to specific forms if possible and this can be requested via a Ticket through the Support Portal.

This area is also where you can edit the form settings such as permissions, titles and save/copy options.

To Create a new Form please click on '+ New Form' in the Top right hand corner.



You’ll be redirect to your new form setup page where you need to set the following properties,

  1. Form- Give your Form a name to appear both on the App and Dashboard (This is a mandatory Field)

  2. Title for saved forms - Define the saved form name (Optional).

  3. Filename for generated PDFs - Define the name of the file when downloading to your computer/device (Optional).

  4. Restrict access to the form through ‘Assigned Users’. It is recommended that you restrict access to the form whilst you are building/testing it to ensure it is ready before fully releasing it to your App users.

  5. Go Live - Set a “Go Live” date stops this form from being published to the application until that date.

  6. App Settings - These settings will allow you to restrict what control operatives have while using this form.

    1. Allow drafts to be saved - if unchecked Operatives will not be able to save this from they will need to start and complete the form in one go.

    2. Allow edits after submission - if unchecked Operatives will not be able to make changes to the form once it has been submitted

    3. Allow forms to be copied - if checked this will allow operatives to copy data from one form to another.

    4. Show status of form - This shows the current status of the from to the operative, allowing them to see the next “stage” for example this could be “Approved or Declined”

    5. Show link to PDF - If checked the operative will be able to see a link to the PDF.

There are other properties available for your form, find out more here FORMS.

Click the drown down next to the save button, the click “Save and continue editing”

You can now click on the filed tab to start building your form.

You can now start building your form by adding fields, you can find out what each field does by clicking here